Sunday, January 20, 2008

First Full Day!

Wow!!! I had my first full day in South Africa and it was wonderful! I spent a lot of time with all the other apprentices and staff as we had a cookout and just enjoyed each other's company. The next two weeks will be filled with orientation. We will be getting more familiar with Pretoria, each other, and getting a good idea of where we will be headed in the next 10 months. They have some awesome things planned for us and I am really looking forward to all of it! One cool thing will be a cricket match on Sunday...apparently it's an all day event!

I was really sad to leave my family and friends but it's getting much easier as the time goes on. I know I will experience moments of sadness but I continue to rest in God right now. This is going to be an amazing 10 months with Him!!!

I will keep it short for now but keep looking for more updates soon! I am going to do my best to keep this thing updated regularly. :)

In His Love,

manda :)

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