Sunday, January 27, 2008

Has It Really Only Been One Week???

Well...week one in South Africa has come to a close and week two has begun. We just enjoyed a really lazy Sunday, which was nice! We needed to recover from the hecticness that was last week (which, by the way, absolutely CRAWLED by here). I truly can't believe it has only been one week!

We have done a ton of stuff. We went to cultural museum one day to get a very brief history of South Africa. (we will be going to a couple different ones this week as well) Even though there is a ton to learn it was good to get the basic overview. We have started our “conversation” times as well. This is a chance for us to discuss our books and other topics. It’s basically our learning time. We visited a family in a local township that one of the staff members is really involved with. It reminded me quite a bit of the last time I was here. It was good to get out in the township because we have been in a mostly “city” setting thus far.

Most of our time has been spent learning about the culture here from different perspectives...which are quite a few. It's been great though because we will definitely be more prepared than if we had jumped right into the ministry side of things. To end this first week, one of our staff members, Daleen, made us Greek food and we watched “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. It was a great way to enjoy the funny side of “integrating cultures”.

It’s been really great getting to know everyone here...staff, apprentices, and other members of the community. Everyone is so great! It's a diverse group but we have had a fun time. Well, I have. :)

Center is Kellie Laurson, my roommate, from Illinois ; Chris Seitz, to her right, from Florida ; Laura Waldrip, to his right, from California ; ME; Mariah Cocke, to Kellie’s left from Virginia ; Jody Thomas, to her left, from Canada ; and Roger Sanor on the end from Johannesburg .
Kellie and I get along splendidly! The other girls have been awesome too but it’s been a relief to be getting along so well with my actual roommate. Jody is hilarious! He has me laughing so hard all the time…especially during dinner which makes it hard to eat. Roger, poor thing, gets a million questions seeing as he’s local. Between Roger's English accent, Jody's Canadian accent, and the mix of accents we hear around town, we have all been joking about what ridiculous accents we are all going to end up having by the end of all this.

Oh yeah…it rained ALL WEEK last week!!! The first full sunny day was Saturday! But, that was perfect timing because we went to a water park that day. It was a great time of just chilling…and very much needed! It also gave us a chance to get to know people better and have discussions that are often brought on in a relaxing environment. The weather was beautiful, but much sun screen was needed as the sun can be quite brutal here...but i managed to not get burned and fared much better than most!

For those luggage came on Monday so it wasn’t too bad. :)

I guess that might be all for now. The updates shouldn't be as long once I am on more of a routine with updating the blog.

I definitely miss you all A TON!! However, the week has gone much better than I anticipated! This must definitely be where God wants me for right now, which makes me feel even better. I am learning a lot and am looking forward to all that these 10 months will hold. Thanks for all your prayers! They are definitely felt as I settle in here so smoothly.
Much Love,
manda :)


crzypuppy said...

HI Honey!! I'm bummed that I didn't get to you before you left to give you a big ol hug, but please consider yourself cyberhugged from me!! I'm so excited to hear of your adventures, so I will certainly be keeping up with your blogging!! Can't wait to see more pictures too!!
... "You are the light of the world... let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" Mat 5:14-16
I love you and your very bright light lady!!

Jon said...

Glad to hear everything is going well. I am sure these weeks are going to start clicking by and you won't believe that 11 months just came and went. We are all very happy to heear that Luggage-Gate 2008 came to a good conclusion. We look forward to more updates. Have fun. Love you.

matt e. said...

Nice update. Those Canadians can definitely be a little whacky. One too many hockey pucks to the head, perhaps. (Just a theory.) Glad you're hitting it off with your roomies. That's huge! :o)

Andrea said...

So great to hear the wonderful updates! I'm so excited for how God is preparing to use you. Keep the updates coming!